Mirrors Teasers and Watching Online

Watch Mirrors Teasers: Azure D. Osborne-Lee

Have you heard about our online viewing? Check out more information about the online viewing of MIRRORS by Azure D. Osborne-Lee. MIRRORS premiered on November 10th, 2021.

Azure is a queer black playwright who you want to remember. MIRRORS is just as unforgettable as a reflection.

If you missed us, we most certainly missed you. And yet there is still hope.

Missed our premiere? No problem at all. Just promise us you won't miss us while we're online. We find pleasure in your comfort, and know that the story will invite a conversation worth having at home.

What Are Your Ideas of Home?

Our main character Bird has never left her family home. And struggles to see herself outside of it. Is there anything that Bird can see outside of Belle?

 Mirrors explores heavy topics such as death, lost lovers, and strangers... who find relief in each other. Each character is so captivating.

Teaser I became our visual introduction to this story. Teaser II shows us a little more about what we can expect. There isn’t much to prepare you for this experience.

Check out these teasers here and here, and let us know what you think. And click here for more information on the online viewing.